The Tale of Sexual Socrates

I sit in the second row of the lecture hall where my history class takes place. Bear that in mind. Commit that to memory. Second row. Got it? Okay, good.

So there I was, sitting in my usual seat in the second row, notes open on my desk as I scribbled down the information up on the slides my professor was showing. The class is mostly freshmen, so being one of the few sophomores there, I know no one. On my left was a girl I didn’t know, and on my right, a similarly unknown guy. My class is 75 minutes long, and the first 45 or so minutes went by without anything out of the ordinary.

Then I noticed the guy to my right was shifting awkwardly in his seat. Continue reading

Sophomore Year: Night One

World, The Undergrad is back on campus! This is my very first blog post from my new dorm room, and I’ll admit, it feels a bit surreal, especially since my roommate this year is one of my own friends and not a random stranger. I feel more at home now than I ever really did then, to be honest. Continue reading

Job Interview Today… aaaack!

Well, ladies and gents, I have a job interview.

Oh my goodness!

After months of unemployment, I might finally be striking gold! I switched from applying to jobs around my hometown to seeking out campus jobs; I was nearly certain I was going to get one when I got the “Sorry, but no,” email a few days later. Others didn’t even bother responding to my inquiries. But finally, finally, I’m getting closer to having work again!

The job I’m applying for is student assistant with my school’s study abroad office. The job description includes clerical work, data entry, answering phones, et cetera. Nothing too difficult, and definitely a change of pace for me–no more fast food! A nice, cushy office instead! I CAN WEAR BUSINESS ATTIRE ONCE MORE!! (Not to mention, the building I’d be working in is right next to my dorm, which will be perfect for those cold winter days that soon approach.)

I’m a little excited, but alas, I’m mostly nervous at this point. My job interview is at 4pm today, and I need to ace that if I want to secure this job. I know all the basics: firm handshake, eye contact, smile, no stutters… even so, I feel ready to throw up from the anxiety right now. What if I majorly mess up? What if they don’t like me?

All the same, I’m hoping for the best. I can be pretty charming when I really put myself to it.

I’ll keep you updated on this new development. Let’s hope the outcome is a good one!

The Undergrad is Back!

Hello! I’m alive!

After a long summer hiatus, I’ve decided it’s time to return to my dear old blog, especially now that there are exactly two weeks between me and my second move-in day. Eep!

Admittedly, I’m far less stressed out this year about packing and moving in then I was last year. For starters, my roommate this year is one of my best friends, so I’m not worried about the notion of sharing a room with a complete stranger. As a benefit, also, we’ve actually been keeping in touch about who’s bringing what to the room  (as opposed to last year when I would try to coordinate with my roommate and she would generally respond with, “I don’t know” or “Whatever you like!”).

I also am not running around trying to fulfill every bullet point on those college checklists you get at the store. Experience tells me I don’t need a full set of silverware or a bulk pack of lightbulbs. I think I can survive easily with much of the stuff I already had last year.

There’s a new kind of excitement that precedes me this year. I won’t have to find my way around campus or go through those orientation week group discussions about life or attempt to make friends and hope they stick. I’m coming back to an established group of friends and, let’s be honest, to my second home.

What a nice feeling.


Packing. Just the thought of it stresses many people out. One group in particular is new college freshmen. Trying to pack everything you think you’ll need for the next 9 months is a daunting task, especially for students going long distances from home. As the oldest child, no matter how many college tours you go on, no matter how many info sessions you try to stay awake through, you don’t really know what to expect. As I get ready for my second year of college, I realize just how different the first year is from the rest.


“What should I take? Does my roommate want to share a fridge or do I need my own? What about a trashcan? Which clothes need to be taken upfront, or should I swap at Christmas? Definitely switch at Christmas. But will I need a coat before then? Or perhaps just…

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